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Admixtures play a crucial role in the creation of concrete, improving its performance and qualities to fulfill project-specific needs. In order to enhance the workability, strength, and durability of concrete, Masterfix Engineering Solutions provides a wide variety of chemical admixtures, guaranteeing excellent outcomes in any application.

Enhancing Concrete Performance

Our admixtures are specially formulated to get optimal results in different areas such as workability, setting time, strength development, durability, and resistance to various adverse environmental influences. Through the employment of elaborated admixtures into concrete mixes, we are entering a new level in customizing the properties of concrete that will enable us to meet specific requirements of the project as well as achieve desired performance. 

Workability and Pumpability

Admixtures like plasticizers, superplasticizers, and viscosity modifiers are the ones which are put in the concrete mix to improve the workability and pumpability.  The concrete’s placement and compaction are thus done and it is achieved without compromising strength or durability. By enabling the concrete to flow more smoothly and be placed easier in complex or hard to reach locations, these admixtures help improve the overall construction efficiency and ensure high quality of concrete. 

Strength Enhancement

Our construction admixtures series is engineered to increase the performance of concrete, these blends extend life cycle and are able to produce a premium and long lasting concrete mixes for all types of purposes. These admixtures serve to improve the bonding between cement particles, lower water content, and better hydration, which ultimately results in concrete that is more durable compared to its counterparts which are respectively good in compressive, flexural and tensile strengths. 

Durability and Longevity

Admixtures like air-entraining agent, corrosion inhibitors, and shrinkage reducers are used to attain the purpose of prolonging the life and improving the durability of the concrete structures by eliminating the effects of adverse services environment like the freeze-thaw cycles, exposure to chemicals, or corrosion to the concrete reinforcement. These additions are the armor, in place to protect against damage or failure which guarantees durability and long-term. 

Specialized Applications

Our team of long-serving, seasoned engineers, along with lab and site personnel, explains the primary technical aspects of the project and keeps an eye on the mix design and quality from the beginning of work to its conclusion. We go above and beyond to closely collaborate with our clients’ demands and specifications, and we’re constantly on hand to offer individualized ideas and suggestions that are designed to produce the desired outcomes.

Quality Assurance and Compliance

Masterfix engineering solutions are based on the fundamentals of quality and dependability, and we are dedicated to providing the best admixtures available. Strict and comprehensive assessment rules are applied to our additives test, which is crucial for adhering to industry norms and specifications. In order to verify the efficacy and use of the admixture in various building projects, we also offer warranty and certification documents.


The development of these high-performance, customized concrete mixes that satisfy the unique needs of concrete structures is made possible by the additions utilized in the contemporary concrete industry. With our wide range of affordable and useful admixture product lines, expert support, and attention to quality, Masterfix Engineering Solutions gives concrete buildings the dependable and sustainable solutions required to deliver performance that is durable and consistent. Whether it’s improving workability, enhancing strength, or ensuring long-term durability, you can trust us to deliver innovative admixture solutions that meet your project needs and exceed your expectations.

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